Information about the project


The Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University has received funding from the European Funds for the implementation of the "Academy of Equal Chances" project, submitted as part of the " Accessible Univeristy II" competition, organised by the National Centre for Research and Development. Project implementation period: 1 November 2020. - 30 September 2023.

The project "Academy of Equal Chances" is co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020, Priority Axis III. Higher education for economy and development, Measure 3.5 Comprehensive programmes of higher education institutions.

The aim of the project is to implement solutions in the area of architecture, IT infrastructure and education aimed at increasing accessibility and openness of Krakow University for the academic community of people with disabilities.

The work of the team is led by Professor Joanna Konarska, PhD.

The project includes, among other things, modernisation and adaptation of communication routes, elevators and University's utility space to the needs of people with various disabilities. The project assumes also improvement of educational and organisational support addressed to all students, in particular to students with sensory disabilities, by adapting didactic tools to their needs, and also by organisation of trainings increasing didactic competences of scientific and didactic staff and awareness of academic community concerning the needs of persons with various disabilities. As a part of the project, appropriate IT systems will also be implemented, enabling access of persons with disabilities to all university information, resources and information published online.

Project value: PLN 3,801,389, 35
Own contribution: PLN 114 000,00
European Funds contribution: PLN 3 687 289,35

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